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HomeDisc Golf DiscsPuttersTIL Dlask

TIL Dlask

TIL Dlask

Wingman Dlask is the very first Czech made putter disc. It holds any line you give it and will never let you down, no matter how narrow the fairway is. Short annies, accurate hyzers, but most of all straight shots right into the heart of the chains. Dlask is a true do it all putter. Just like a real Hawfinch (Dlask means hawfinch in Czech) it is agile, quick and glides forever. 

And to whom we recommend it? To anyone. It flies perfect for beginners as well as experienced discgolfers.

Controllability: 9.0/10

Beginner: 9.0/10

Manufacturer: Wingman Discs

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In stock 1 pcs
Total in stock 68 pcs

15.11 €

In stock 1 pcs
Total in stock 68 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerWingman Discs
Rim depth1.50 cm
Rim thickness1.30 cm
Diameter21.0 cm
Approved date09. 04. 2024

Plastic TIL

Plastic TIL

TIL plastic is the first base line material from Wingman Discs. It is quite firm and has an exclusive and durable feel to it without compromising its grip. It reminds us of Kastaplast's K3 Hard.

Also manufactured in:



Wingman Discs write history. They are the very first Czech disc golf discs manufacturer. In the beginning of 2023 they introduced their very first disc - straight midrange called Havran and the Czech disc golf community flooded them with their support and love.

Wingmans build their company on their passion for disc golf, first-class materials, unique design and Czech skilfulness. But they also care about the environment, so their discs do not contain any special additives that would make the discs impossible to recycle.

Always buy by exact weight and color

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