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HomeDisc Golf DiscsMidrange DiscsSpecial Edition Soft Exo Origin

Special Edition Soft Exo Origin

Special Edition Soft Exo Origin

Special Edition Soft Exo Origin

The Origin from Discmania's Evolution product line is a smaller diameter midrange with big potential. It is fairly understable at high speeds, making a perfect ally for long turnover shots and precise, laser straight lines when thrown with control. It will thrive in tailwinds, wooded fairways, and calmer conditions out on the course. You will be blown away at how far this disc will fly compared to it’s flight numbers.

The smooth rounded feel of the nose provides an excellent feel in hand paired with a gentle false bead to add just a touch of stability. Players will enjoy the tacky plastic that Neo offers and superb gliding ability when thrown at any speed. If Discmania's fan favourite fairway driver Essence had a mid-range relative, this is it.

Discmania's Primal Run releases have traditionally sold out practically instantly. All Primal Run discs come in "Discmania Orange" colour. Get yours before they are gone!

Controllability: 9.0/10

Beginner: 10.0/10

Manufacturer: Discmania

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

14.02 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

Rim depth1.20 cm
Rim thickness1.30 cm
Diameter21.4 cm
Approved date14. 07. 2020

Plastic Exo Soft

Plastic Exo Soft

The Exo Soft plastic gives players the option of a softer putter for both throwing and putting. You'll find that the plastic has a bit more grip to it and the slightly gummier composition allows grab a hold of the chains and the surrounding green without sliding or skipping away. A truly useful tool to have for those tricky landscapes out there!

Also manufactured in:
Neo, Neo, Geo, Meta, Neo, Neo



Discmania is the brand that's closest to our hearts. Our Přemek started installing the first Czech DiscGolfParks with their help, they support the biggest Czech disc golf events and they even sponsor one of us - Kryštof Novák. This Finnish brand used to manufacture all their discs in American Innova (Discmania Originals), but since February 2019 it also produces discs in Swedish Latitude 64° (Discmania Evolution) and Chinese Yikun Discs (Discmania Active).

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