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HomeDisc Golf DiscsMidrange DiscsShadow Titan Forge Method

Shadow Titan Forge Method

limitedSimon Lizotte
Shadow Titan Forge Method

Shadow Titan Forge Method

This is a limited edition fundraiser disc of Simon Lizotte, Discmania's top pro. You will support his disc golf career by buying this disc.

Method: a systematic or established form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something.

The Method is an overstable midrange that can handle pro level power on both forehand and backhand shots, but where this disc excels beyond other midranges is in its glide. The Method is able to retain its high speed stability without cutting down on distance, giving players more than enough flight time to shape their shots. Out on the course this midrange can handle immense torque without turning over and will hold a flat to fade flight as it soars down the fairway. Anyone who’s a fan of the MD4 but is looking for a little more stability will find a new favorite disc in the Method.

The Method features a big bead which helps the disc feel natural in the hand and gives a consistently smooth release. The disc has a great rip as well.

'It’s the best midrange I’ve tried.' - Simon Lizotte

Controllability: 5.0/10

Beginner: 4.0/10

Manufacturer: Discmania

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

25.87 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

Rim depth1.40 cm
Rim thickness1.30 cm
Diameter21.7 cm
Approved date01. 05. 2019

Plastic Forge

Plastic Forge

Forge plastic is a part of Discmania's Evolution line. Forge is a new, translucent metallic plastic compound similar to Neo with similar flexibility and durability. It is very durable and has a perfect balance of flexibility and firmness.

Also manufactured in:
Neo, Neo, Exo Hard, Lux



Discmania is the brand that's closest to our hearts. Our Přemek started installing the first Czech DiscGolfParks with their help, they support the biggest Czech disc golf events and they even sponsor one of us - Kryštof Novák. This Finnish brand used to manufacture all their discs in American Innova (Discmania Originals), but since February 2019 it also produces discs in Swedish Latitude 64° (Discmania Evolution) and Chinese Yikun Discs (Discmania Active).

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