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HomeDisc Golf DiscsPuttersPlasma Proxy

Plasma Proxy

Plasma Proxy

The Proxy shares the Envy mold’s core, lending the same low-profile feel and solid grip, along with a short wing width and wide flight plate diameter for superior glide. The Proxy sets itself apart from the Envy with a remarkably straight forward-fading finish. A bit of high-speed turn potential allows the Proxy’s lines to be manipulated over a broad range of power, and helps less powerful throwers achieve straight putter drives.

Controllability: 9.0/10

Beginner: 10.0/10

Manufacturer: Axiom Discs

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

19.19 € 17.28 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerAxiom Discs
Rim depth1.50 cm
Rim thickness1.10 cm
Diameter21.0 cm
Approved date24. 09. 2014

Plastic Plasma

Plastic Plasma

Plasma is a specialty premium blend, known for its unique visual appeal with metallic and color-shift options, as well as its superb semi-gummy grip. Few premium materials grip this well, and none other look as cool. MVP has specially engineered some Plasma drivers for additional glide and a softened stability.

Also manufactured in:
Neutron, Proton, Neutron, Neutron, Firm Electron, Cosmic Firm Electron, Cosmic Electron, Cosmic Soft Electron, Eclipse Proton 2.0, Electron, Soft Electron, Neutron, Fission, Eclipse Proton 2.0



Axiom Discs is MVP's sister brand which was founded in 2014. Axiom uses the very same GYRO® technology which makes their discs more contrallable and consistend. Unlike MVP it is mostly focused on aesthetics - gone are the black rims, here come the colors! The materials are the same, but disc molds are different. The best selling disc is Envy (putter).

Always buy by exact weight and color

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