Neo Function
Neo Function
The most prestigious disc golf event in Europe returns to Finland in July and we’re thrilled to announce the first European Open 2024 fundraiser with the first ever look at the brand new Function from the Evolution lineup.
Function is an easy to throw fairway driver that offers the most understable flight path of any Discmania disc produced to date. Those that enjoy the performance of the Essence but seek something just a bit flippier for their game are going to fall in love with this one right away. The Function is engineered for players with lower level arm speeds, beginners/amateurs, and those that enjoy the flight of an understable fairway driver that executes turning shots quickly and easily.
For lower arm speeds, the Function offers added distance and access to new types of lines compared to the more stable offerings in our line up. Bigger arms will be able to enjoy the effortless high speed turn this disc has to offer, making it a great roller disc and a solid choice for long turning shots and technical hyzerflip lines on tight fairways.
Note: This disc is a prototype. All EO Forge Functions will come without tooling information on the bottom of the disc aside from the weight embossing. Production runs of the Function in the future will not be prototypes and can be told apart from the protos by this distinction especially.
Good for: Turnover shots, gentle straight lines, rollers, best friend to a lefty on all those righty holes out there (and vice versa).
Technical details
Technical details
Manufacturer | Discmania |
Rim depth | 1.10 cm |
Rim thickness | 1.80 cm |
Diameter | 21.2 cm |
Approved date | 20. 05. 2024 |
Plastic Neo
Plastic Neo
Discmania's Neo plastic is completely unique to the Discmania Evolution line. Don’t think otherwise, this has not been previously released. Discmania found the perfect balance between a stiff disc and a flexible disc. The end result is a great blend that can handle all weather conditions without sacrificing performance. It is like an extension of your arm. Getting a little extra snap at the end of your throw is very possible with this new plastic blend.
The bestselling Neo discs are Neo Instinct and Neo Method.
Discmania is the brand that's closest to our hearts. Our Přemek started installing the first Czech DiscGolfParks with their help, they support the biggest Czech disc golf events and they even sponsor one of us - Kryštof Novák. This Finnish brand used to manufacture all their discs in American Innova (Discmania Originals), but since February 2019 it also produces discs in Swedish Latitude 64° (Discmania Evolution) and Chinese Yikun Discs (Discmania Active).
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