Matt Bell Aura Animus
Matt Bell Aura Animus
The Animus is a high-performance distance driver with a stable flight pattern. It handles torque well when thrown by experienced players, but does not have so much fade that it is unmanageable by recreational players who need a more stable driver in their bag. We like to think of it as an Innova Wraith with a touch more stability.
When naming the Animus we looked to the Latin definition meaning Spirit, Mind.
Technical details
Technical details
Manufacturer | Thought Space Athletics |
Rim depth | 1.20 cm |
Rim thickness | 2.10 cm |
Diameter | 21.2 cm |
Approved date | 23. 06. 2020 |
Thought Space Athletics is disc golf and design oriented company focused on elevating the mind and body through sport and design with our range of Discs, Apparel and Accessories. We connect creativity, quality, and concept to elevate your mind and game on and off the course.
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