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HomeDisc Golf DiscsMidrange DiscsIron Samurai 3 Color Glow C-Line MD3

Iron Samurai 3 Color Glow C-Line MD3

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Iron Samurai 3 Color Glow C-Line MD3

Iron Samurai 3 Color Glow C-Line MD3

Iron Samurai’s third coming arrives with sharpened katanas and polished armor - in the form of a Color Glow C-line MD3!

Control is everything. If you are looking for a sure shot, you can stop searching. The MD3 puts in work in any given situation.

The MD3 is a notch faster midrange, thus giving it more distance potential. The MD3 also holds lines very well, so whether you are going for a hyzer or anhyzer shot, it holds the angle very well throughout the flight. Straight shots stay straight also if given enough power.

The MD3 is our most popular midrange disc and the mid of choice for most of our top team members. It's essentially a do-it-all disc that can handle various kinds of lines in various angles. Great for all skill levels. Take control of the midrange game and get yours today.

Controllability: 8.0/10

Beginner: 8.0/10

Manufacturer: Discmania

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

30.10 € 26.75 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

Rim depth1.40 cm
Rim thickness1.40 cm
Diameter21.8 cm
Approved date28. 02. 2021

Plastic C-line

Plastic C-line

Discmania's most durable and bestselling plastic – these discs wear down very slowly. C-Line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, the C-Line plastic will continue to perform predictably and avoid damage better than any other plastic. Good grip and showstopper see-through look. It is a high quality Italian blend plastic.

C-line's bestselling disc is the MD3.

Also manufactured in:
Glow C-line, G-line, S-Line, Glow C-line, Glow C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Swirly S-line, Chroma, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line, Metal Flake C-line



Discmania is the brand that's closest to our hearts. Our Přemek started installing the first Czech DiscGolfParks with their help, they support the biggest Czech disc golf events and they even sponsor one of us - Kryštof Novák. This Finnish brand used to manufacture all their discs in American Innova (Discmania Originals), but since February 2019 it also produces discs in Swedish Latitude 64° (Discmania Evolution) and Chinese Yikun Discs (Discmania Active).

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