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HomeDisc Golf DiscsDriversDistance DriversHorizon Cloud Breaker

Horizon Cloud Breaker

limitedbestsellerEagle McMahon
Horizon Cloud Breaker

Horizon Cloud Breaker

Your favorite distance driver is back to pierce the clouds yet again with the 2023 version of Eagle McMahon’s famous Creator series mold, the Cloud Breaker!

The Cloud Breaker is the tool you need to harness your ultimate potential and unleash maximum distance to your game. Players with more arm speed and power will be able to trust it in all conditions and use it as their main distance driver, both with forehand and backhand throws. Those with a bit less power or are still developing their skills can still take advantage of the good stability that this disc offers.

This is the second iteration of the Cloud Breaker produced in the Creator Series line. Available in the Horizon plastic which first debuted with DD1, this eye catching plastic blend looks just as stunning in hand as it does in flight.

I've been absolutely loving this new Horizon Cloud Breaker! People with some arm speed are able to fully utilize this disc's great distance potential. With less power, this disc makes for an ideal overstable distance driver, especially when there's some headwind. This is going to be something that's really special in my bag for quite some time! -Eagle McMahon

Pro tip: Creator series discs are signified by informational text embossed on the bottom of the disc so you always know what you are holding, no matter what happens to the fancy stamp on top.

By purchasing this Creator Series release, you directly support Eagle McMahon on tour!

Controllability: 5.0/10

Beginner: 5.0/10

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

26.27 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

Rim depth1.20 cm
Rim thickness2.30 cm
Diameter21.1 cm
Approved date06. 06. 2022

Plastic Horizon

Plastic Horizon

Horizon plastic is an S-Line combo containing two strikingly different color variations. Our experts behind the machines have taken careful measures to make sure that each interior and exterior color way is perfectly matched and the artwork to go with it is the cherry on top.

Also manufactured in:
S-Line, S-Line, S-Line, S-Line, S-Line, C-Line, S-Line, S-Line, C-Line, Neo, S-Line



Discmania is the brand that's closest to our hearts. Our Přemek started installing the first Czech DiscGolfParks with their help, they support the biggest Czech disc golf events and they even sponsor one of us - Kryštof Novák. This Finnish brand used to manufacture all their discs in American Innova (Discmania Originals), but since February 2019 it also produces discs in Swedish Latitude 64° (Discmania Evolution) and Chinese Yikun Discs (Discmania Active).

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