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HomeDisc Golf DiscsDriversDistance DriversEthos Synapse

Ethos Synapse

Ethos Synapse

Ethos Synapse

Striking a harmonious balance between distance and accuracy, the Synapse represents Thought Space Athletics' flagship entry into the true (pro) distance driver slot. Stable enough to handle big arm speed or stiff headwind, with just a hint of high-speed turn; the Synapse finds its equilibrium as the reliably stable long-bomber in your bag. Bridging the gap between the Animus and your favorite overstable high speed driver, the Synapse is a staple in any bag.

Behind the design:

TSA's "Grow your mind" concept is about cultivating your imagination. To allow yourself to daydream and get lost in thought. Let go of self doubt because creativity is the catalyst to progression. 

Controllability: 6.0/10

Beginner: 5.0/10

Manufacturer: Thought Space Athletics

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

18.30 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerThought Space Athletics
Rim depth1.20 cm
Rim thickness2.30 cm
Diameter21.2 cm
Approved date10. 01. 2022

Plastic Ethos

Plastic Ethos

TSA's Ethos Plastic give us an exciting new twist of being able to include a swirly nature to the plastic. Due to the uniqueness of the swirls and patterns. Each disc is unique.

Also manufactured in:
Ethereal, Aura, Nebula Ethereal, Glow, Nebula Ethereal



Thought Space Athletics is disc golf and design oriented company focused on elevating the mind and body through sport and design with our range of Discs, Apparel and Accessories. We connect creativity, quality, and concept to elevate your mind and game on and off the course.

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