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Disc Golf Discs

HomeDisc Golf Discs

Specialized disc golf discs - made for throwing fast and into the chains. Disc golf discs are smaller and faster than regular frisbees. There are three main categories of golf discs - super accurate Putters, versatile Midrange Discs and fast Drivers.

If you do not know what to choose, take a look at our hand picked Disc Golf Sets! Or ask our Disc Selector Guide to help.

Putter designed by the lady GOAT (greatest of all time)

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce

Putter designed by the lady GOAT (greatest of all time)

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce
23.15 €

Throw with Passion

limitedPaige Pierce

Marker disc based on Discraft Luna

Paige Pierce

Throw with Passion

limitedPaige Pierce

Putter designed by the lady GOAT (greatest of all time)

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce

God of thunder

Paul McBethPaige Pierceblank

Marker disc based on Discraft Fierce

Paige Pierce
29.94 €

Recommended by 10 out of 10 disc golfers

limitedbestsellerPaul McBethPaige Pierce
19.55 €

Recommended by 10 out of 10 disc golfers

bestsellerPaul McBethPaige Pierce

Putter designed by the lady GOAT (greatest of all time)

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce

Don't you already know the P2?

limitedbestsellersaleKonopiště Open

MD2 2.0 = MD3

limitedsaleKonopiště Open

Feel the connection

limitedsaleKonopiště Open40% discount
19.95 €25.94 €

Join the FD fan club!

limitedbestsellersaleKonopiště Open

Join the FD fan club!

limitedbestsellersaleKonopiště Open40% discount

Throw it and put on an enigmatic smile

limitedglowingsaleKonopiště Open40% discount
15.57 €25.94 €

Change the Paradigm of your distance game

limitedsaleKonopiště Open40% discount
27.54 €

God of thunder

Paul McBethPaige Pierce
23.15 €

Throw with Passion

limitedPaige Pierce

Recommended by 10 out of 10 disc golfers

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce

Putter designed by the lady GOAT (greatest of all time)

limitedbestsellerPaige Pierce

Total top

limitedPaige Pierce
25.94 €

Throw with Passion

limitedPaige Pierce

Always buy by exact weight and color

We know all the discs by heart and can help you out

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