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Disc Golf Discs

HomeDisc Golf Discs

Specialized disc golf discs - made for throwing fast and into the chains. Disc golf discs are smaller and faster than regular frisbees. There are three main categories of golf discs - super accurate Putters, versatile Midrange Discs and fast Drivers.

If you do not know what to choose, take a look at our hand picked Disc Golf Sets! Or ask our Disc Selector Guide to help.

Slam the doors of those in-between distance extra strokes

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki
24.75 €

Here comes the Justice

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki
24.75 €

Here comes the Justice

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki
16.76 €23.95 €

Throw it and put on an enigmatic smile

limitedglowing30% discount
15.55 €

Put a dagger through the heart of the chains

limitedRicky Wysocki

Slam the doors of those in-between distance extra strokes

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki
26.74 €

A Felon that can save you from big time trouble

limitedbrickRicky Wysockiglowing

Slam the doors of those in-between distance extra strokes

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki

Slam the doors of those in-between distance extra strokes

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki

Harp that sounds best when the wind is blowing

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki

A Felon that can save you from big time trouble

limitedbrickRicky WysockiJakub Semerád
21.40 €26.74 €

A Felon that can save you from big time trouble

20% discountlimitedbrickRicky Wysocki

Harp that sounds best when the wind is blowing

limitedbrickRicky WysockiglowingJakub Semerád

Slam the doors of those in-between distance extra strokes

limitedbrickRicky Wysocki
21.95 €

No fairway can with withstand this Raider

limitedRicky Wysocki

Low score enforcement

limitedRicky Wysocki
21.95 €

Helps you evade all trouble

limitedRicky WysockiJakub Semerád

Put a dagger through the heart of the chains

limitedRicky Wysocki
13.68 €19.55 €

If you can tame it it will push your wind game onto the next level

brick30% discount

Snakes do not care about wind

limitedRicky WysockiJakub Semerád

It will astonish you with its steady performance

limitedsale30% discount
17.59 €19.55 €

Alea iacta est

limitedRicky Wysocki
18.16 €25.94 €

The world needs more Reko

limited30% discount
24.75 €

Live, eat, Rive, repeat

limitedRicky WysockiJakub SemerádKristin Tattar

Always buy by exact weight and color

We know all the discs by heart and can help you out

Orders are processed on the next working day

DiscmaniaInnovaDiscraftKastaplastDynamic DiscsLatitude64°Westside DiscsAxiom DiscsMVP Disc SportsStreamline DiscsRPM DiscsProdiscusGRIP6 beltsDisctroyerWingman Discs

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