Supporting Disc Golf Clubs
Most sports around the world are continously pushed forward by local clubs and enthusiasts who found those clubs. Those who love the sport, those who have the urge to grow it, who do it in their free time and simply because they want to, not because of money. This is exactly how we started back in 2011 and now we want to give back. To enthusiasts, to clubs, to those who grow the sport.
Disc golf is not different, according to the Czech Disc Golf Association there were 53 more or less official club in the Czech Republic. It is these clubs who organize tournaments, clinics, grow the sport among youths and so on. We think it works the same way in other countries as well and that is why we want to help.
If you want to become our partner club, just read our support details and conditions below and send an e-mail to We will get back to you as soon as possible. We have two levels of support, see below.
1st Level of Club Support
Great for clubs that are not official (state acknowledged) just yet, are starting out and getting to know the disc golf world. Our store is ran by Krystof Novak, who is a long time chairman and founder of Moravian Gators Nový Jičín, which is one of the biggest clubs in the Czech Republic. He can help with some things regarding founding your club, but legal stuff is different in every country, so that will be on you.
1st Level Benefits
- All club members have an 8 % discount on all products (except vouchers and coupons) at, in our store in Novy Jicin or in our pro shop at tournaments. The club chairman has to provide us a complete list of current members, who need to make an account at our online store and send us an e-mail to that they done so. After that, we will put them into a special customer group with an 8 % discount on everything.
- We can help you with the designing and manufacturing process of your team uniforms.
- We can help you with the designing process of your website.
- If needed, we can provide discounted pricing on custom stamped discs and minis.
- We can guide you, give you advice and help you with organizing tournaments.
- 30 % discount on tournament prizes (if we are also a parnter of the event).
- In case we have a pro shop at your tournament, we can give 1-3 vouchers to you for free, as prizes and so on.
1st Level Obligations
- logo on club uniforms.
- must be an official partner of your club and the only disc golf store partner.
- banner(s) and logo on your website.
- is automatically an official partner on your events and tournaments, unless agreed on something else.
- has an automatic exclusive right to sell discs on your events and tournaments, of course we will coordinate details with the TD.
2nd Level of Club Support
This is for clubs who are already official (legally acknowledged by the state), have their own uniforms, website and organize disc golf events. The biggest difference is a bigger discount at our online store for all members.
2nd Level Benefits
- All club members have a 15 % discount on all products (except vouchers and coupons) at, in our store in Novy Jicin or in our pro shop at tournaments. The club chairman has to provide us a complete list of current members, who need to make an account at our online store and send us an e-mail to that they done so. After that, we will put them into a special customer group with a 15 % discount on everything.
- We can help you with the designing and manufacturing process of your team uniforms.
- We can help you with the designing process of your website.
- If needed, we can provide discounted pricing on custom stamped discs and minis.
- We can guide you, give you advice and help you with organizing tournaments.
- 30 % discount on tournament prizes (if we are also a parnter of the event).
- In case we have a pro shop at your tournament, we can give 1-3 vouchers to you for free, as prizes and so on.
2nd Level Obligations
- logo on club uniforms.
- must be an official partner of your club and the only disc golf store partner.
- banner(s) and logo on your website.
- is automatically an official partner on your events and tournaments, unless agreed on something else.
- has an automatic exclusive right to sell discs on your events and tournaments, of course we will coordinate details with the TD.
- is an official partner of your event at least once per year.
Supported Clubs