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HomeDisc Golf AccessoriesDisc Golf: Back to Basics (Practical Illustrated Guide)

Disc Golf: Back to Basics (Practical Illustrated Guide)

Disc Golf: Back to Basics (Practical Illustrated Guide)

The primary focus of this book is on developing disc golf techniques and laying down the fundamental skills upon which advanced professional techniques can be built. It's an ideal resource for beginners or those who have been playing for some time and wish to enhance their abilities. This manual is replete with valuable pointers, and it employs a plethora of straightforward illustrations to break down each movement.

This book hones in on the technique aspect and, as such, does not delve into the sport's rules, ethics, or historical background.

The book explores the following areas:

  • Backhand techniques including power grip, stance, throw execution, practice methods, hyzer and anhyzer shots, weight transfer, the X-step technique, and a section for questions and answers.
  • Forehand techniques covering power grip, stationary stance, throw execution, hyzer and anhyzer shots, practice methods, and a Q&A segment.
  • Approach shots detailing fan grip, and the execution of both backhand and forehand throws, along with training routines.
  • Putting instructions on grip and stance, plus how to execute throws in staggered-stance and straddle putts, along with training tips and a Q&A section.
  • Mindset strategies outlining the foundational mental principles, tournament preparation, and mindset training techniques.
  • Disc flight dynamics explaining the significance of the numbers on a disc and the appropriate disc selection for various situations.
  • Techniques for playing in windy conditions, understanding how wind alters a disc's flight path, and choosing the correct disc for varying wind conditions.

An engaging comic story threads through the entire book, where you might even spot a reflection of yourself in the protagonist.

This book is crafted to accompany you on the course for easy reference during practice, which is why it's printed on robust material to ensure durability.

Authorship credits go to ZIX KOMIX, with proofreading by Nathan Adlam. The book is in a B5 format, boasting 110 pages of vibrant illustrations on 170 gsm paper, and is bound with V4 PUR-gluing and stitching. The book carries the ISBN: 978-80-11-02212-9.

Beginner: 10.0/10

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In stock 17 pcs
Total in stock 17 pcs

29.86 €

In stock 17 pcs
Total in stock 17 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerZix Komix
Approved date08. 12. 2020





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