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HomeDisc Golf DiscsMidrange DiscsBlank Prism Neutron Pyro

Blank Prism Neutron Pyro

James Conrad
Blank Prism Neutron Pyro

Blank Prism Neutron Pyro

The Prism Pyro is debuting with a stock triple-foil stamp, that in combination with a Proton core and Prism rim produces a stunning dual-toned translucent disc. The Prism Proton Pyro was designed as Axiom’s first overstable Midrange with more glide than the MVP Deflector and a commanding stable finish. The Pyro has enough stability for consistent flights in strong winds and powerful throws without losing its line and turning off target.

Controllability: 6.0/10

Beginner: 5.0/10

Manufacturer: Axiom Discs

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

20.69 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerAxiom Discs
Rim depth1.30 cm
Rim thickness1.60 cm
Diameter21.5 cm
Approved date13. 02. 2019

Plastic Prism Neutron

Plastic Prism Neutron

Prism Neutron is a new and beautiful plastic from Axiom Discs. It boasts a breathtakingly gorgeous, see-through GYRO® rim. Flight plate is from regular Neutron.

MVP, Axiom and Streamline all feature their flagship material, Neutron. An opaque and grippy blend, Neutron is available in the greatest number of models for each brand in a variety of vibrant colors. MVP Neutron features all black GYRO® rims, and Axiom Neutron features a range of color GYRO® rims.

Also manufactured in:
Prism Proton, Prism Plasma, Prism Plasma



Axiom Discs is MVP's sister brand which was founded in 2014. Axiom uses the very same GYRO® technology which makes their discs more contrallable and consistend. Unlike MVP it is mostly focused on aesthetics - gone are the black rims, here come the colors! The materials are the same, but disc molds are different. The best selling disc is Envy (putter).

Always buy by exact weight and color

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