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HomeDisc Golf DiscsDriversFairway DriversBioFuzion Escape

BioFuzion Escape

BioFuzion Escape

BioFuzion Escape

One word can summarize the Escape, glide. The description cannot stop there, however. The Escape is a fantastic disc for all levels of skill, power, and distance. It has such an easy release and the glide will keep this disc going even when less power is applied. It can fly on all angles and is even extremely useful as a roller. Break away from your expectations and escape your high scores of the past. Throw with confidence. Throw the Escape.

Controllability: 8.0/10

Beginner: 8.0/10

Manufacturer: Dynamic Discs

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

15.51 €

In stock 0 pcs
Total in stock 0 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerDynamic Discs
Rim depth1.10 cm
Rim thickness2.00 cm
Diameter21.1 cm
Approved date07. 12. 2012

Plastic BioFuzion

Plastic BioFuzion

BioFuzion plastic is the by-product from a mixture of Lucid and Fuzion plastics that had blemishes or cosmetic flaws. Some of these discs may have specks of plastic, flakes, or other minor cosmetic flaws that will not affect the flight, performance, or durability of the disc.

Similar to Recycled from Latitude 64 and Westside Discs.

Also manufactured in:
Prime, Lucid, Lucid Air, Fuzion, Lucid Moonshine, Fuzion, Fuzion, Classic Supreme, Classic Supreme, Lucid



American branch of Trilogy, which began in 2005 as a regular disc golf retailer. Over the years up until 2012 it was gaining momentum and suddenly started producing their own line of discs in cooperation with Latitude64. Americans fell in love with them and DD's renown was getting bigger and better every day.

DD's mission is to achieve customer satisfaction through excellence in design and customer service. Names of their discs are inspired by the justice system.

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