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HomeDisc Golf DiscsDriversDistance DriversAura Animus

Aura Animus

Aura Animus

Aura Animus

The Animus is a high-performance distance driver with a stable flight pattern. It handles torque well when thrown by experienced players, but does not have so much fade that it is unmanageable by recreational players who need a more stable driver in their bag. We like to think of it as an Innova Wraith with a touch more stability. 

When naming the Animus we looked to the Latin definition meaning Spirit, Mind.

Behind the design:

Our "Crest" design was derived from multiple ideas of inner strength, family and overcoming obstacles. The eagle has strong symbolic representation of all these traits across many cultures. The triangle signifies cresting one of the most formidable titans of our natural world, the mountain. We combined these ideas into a coat-of-arms arms or crest which represents family. 

Controllability: 6.0/10

Beginner: 6.0/10

Manufacturer: Thought Space Athletics

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In stock 1 pcs
Total in stock 1 pcs

19.49 €

In stock 1 pcs
Total in stock 1 pcs

Technical details

Technical details

ManufacturerThought Space Athletics
Rim depth1.20 cm
Rim thickness2.10 cm
Diameter21.2 cm
Approved date23. 06. 2020

Plastic Aura

Plastic Aura

Aura is a plastic that's based on MVP's Neutron. So it is very durable, solid, feels great in hand and has a nice flex to it. Oh and it looks awesome, see all the colors?! 

Also manufactured in:
Ethereal, Ethereal



Thought Space Athletics is disc golf and design oriented company focused on elevating the mind and body through sport and design with our range of Discs, Apparel and Accessories. We connect creativity, quality, and concept to elevate your mind and game on and off the course.

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